Happiness Consists in Contentment (Proverbs 27:20)
hello my friends welcome back once again to the morning mindset I am thankful you're here those of you who have been listening for months for years since the beginning of the show back in January of 2018 thank you thank you for being so faithful in your listing and for sharing the morning mindset with others those of you haven't been listening for a long welcome I'm glad you want to make you aware of a nonprofit that my wife and I have begun with the help of some friends called not a needy person this has flowed directly out of the interaction we had with people who listen to the morning mindset this is an opportunity for people in need to come to the website and not a needy person. Or can submit their need for consideration for others who have the means and the resources to help with needs to come and to give toward Meeting those needs I think you'll see it's a very unique set of please check it out and not a needy person
 I work in today we are looking at Proverbs 27:9 a 20
 it's a verse that is very Grim sounding and even could sound a little pessimistic and perhaps it is but we need to look the realities of life as God looks at them Proverbs 27:27 says she'll and Abaddon are never satisfied and never satisfied are the eyes of man
 okay well we need to Define some words here don't be she'll and a Badin are both Hebrew words she'll do it is literally the place of the Dead is used to represent death or the grave and so when he says she'll is never satisfied it's saying that there's no end to people dying death is always going to be a reality on this fall and Planet the word abandon is a little more specific it is considered to be the actual place of the Dead the pit to where people go when they die and in Hebrew Legend there was even an angel of the Abyss named abadan and so these two words being used kind of anachronistically to represent death to represent the end of life and it's saying that death is Never Satisfied and I think we all can attest to that we've all lost people we've all seen
 people die we've all experienced the loss that comes from the continual loss of people to death no Solomon is making that point
 to compare it to something else in the something else he Compares it to something you mean off the top of your head immediately have had come to mind when you think of those two things he says and never satisfied are the eyes of man
 so I can. He sang in the same way just as death continues on and on and on and it seems to be never satisfied taking the lives of people in the same way the eyes of man are never satisfied know what is that praise the eyes of man mean was talking about a person's desires a person's and Visions a person's need and hunger and want to see all of those things rolled up into one ball is what the eyes of men is referring to
 so what's the point in Solomon's making here
 he's wanting us as human beings men and women to understand that the desires are always going to be with us if one is fulfilled for example say you're thirsty and you get a cold glass of water and you drink it right down that's great but you're going to have some other desire crop up very soon and even that desire will not be permanently satisfy you're going to want water again very soon you see the point is that there are aspects of life where the need is temporarily met and yet it's not fully satisfied so why is it important for us to recognize this simple truth about life
 what's because we find ourselves often striving to get satisfaction in various areas to have certain needs permanently met and that's an unrealistic expectation for this planet the only place we ever have things perfectly matched is in heaven itself and right now we get a foretaste of that week preview so to speak through our relationship with Jesus Christ so friends can I encourage you no matter what your need is or the area where you're seeking to be satisfied turn to Jesus that have that satisfy I'm not saying food and drink though we should depend on him to be our provider I'm saying for those desires of our heart does desires for fulfillment for satisfaction in for me turn to Jesus he's the only one who can satisfy the depths of the Soul
 Jesus we ask you to be our satisfaction we lean on you in faith to be our great reward as the scripture says you are Lord Phyllis up yourself even in this Fallen World