Verse of the Day
Grow Closer to God and Deepen Your Faith Each Day
Honour widows that are widows indeed.
- 1 Timothy 5:3(KJV)
Thoughts on Today's Verse...
Sometimes, we forget about people late in their years. When we are young, we are often not interested in their wisdom. We ought to honor them – especially older women who are widows. Indeed, we should honor young widows too. Both have so much wisdom to offer us. They are strong women who have endured much and lived through a lot. Is there a widow in your life? Perhaps you could ask her to coffee. Ask her about her faith, and listen for the wisdom she can share with you. Often, honoring someone is done by simple acts like seeking wisdom, sharing a meal, or complimenting her.
My Prayer...
Forgive me, loving Father, for I sometimes get so lost in my own opportunities and problems that I don't look around and check on those in my church family who need my help much less those in need who are not Christians. Touch me with your Spirit so that I may better hear, see, and respond to their needs. Thank you for your concern for all people, and please use me as one of your tools of concern to bless those in need. In the precious name of Jesus I pray. Amen.