A Prayer to the Most Wonderful Teacher
Life audio
 thank you for listening to you or daily prayer a podcast dedicated to helping you find the words you need to connect with your father in Heaven no matter what's going on in your life today you can trust that God wants to hear from you right after the short word from our sponsor will pray for today's prayer together
 prior to the most wonderful teacher by Meg Bucher read by Liam Martin
 the Lord of Heaven's armies is a wonderful teacher and it gives the farmer great wisdom Isaiah 28:29 there are times in life when are human emotions escape the borders we assigned to them Christian counselors are equipped and gifted to help us release and rain in what becomes twisted up and toxic in the fall out of this world
 the teachers necessary skills point us back to the truth and advise us and how to apply at all appropriately to teach means to impart knowledge of or skill in to give instruction
 the council needs to give advice Isaiah wrote of the Lord a wonderful teacher who not only gives the farmer wisdom and how to grow maintain and harvest his fields that he is the Lord of Heaven's armies
 he's no ordinary teacher
 so he takes the time to perfect the most intricate details of his creation he is mighty and just he sees us
 English Standard Version of today's verse reads this also comes from The Lord of hosts He is wonderful in counsel and excellent in wisdom Isaiah 28:29
 the Hebrew word for Council is also used in the phrase wonderful counselor in Isaiah 9:6
 for a child is born to us a son is given to us the government will rest on his shoulders and he will be called wonderful counselor Mighty God Everlasting father Prince of Peace Isaiah 9:6
 God is here with us to counsel us through the ridiculous pile of emotion and anxiety that we live with daily let's allow him to he speaks to us through his word his creation and through other people to whom he's given gifts to help in our healing
 it can be hard to admit we need help to untangle our thoughts especially when we believe in a god of Miracles you can heal us on the spot prayer is the most powerful weapon we can wheels on this Earth and sometimes miraculous healings happen in response
 let's keep praying and believing God for the impossible however the quality and validity of our faith is not lessened by seeking counsel which the counselor himself is provided
 God wants us to prosper holy not just in the planting caring for and harvesting of the gifts he's given us if you need help today reach out not only in prayer to The God Who promises to answer our cries for help before the tear stain our cheeks or reach out to a friend a pastor teacher a Christian counselor there is an Army in place on this Earth God's Army
 and the Lord of Heaven's armies is on our side how can we lose
 we weren't meant to do this life alone so let's not
 butt spray
 father you are the Great and Mighty counselor it's from you we gain truth and wisdom comfort and peace in times of want and plenty
 in our lack father meet us in moments we need the Council of another person whom you've specifically chosen to speak through
 humble our hearts got to listen to advice from Wise Christian leaders in our lives and faithful friends who continually point us back to the truth of your word
 in this world we are promised to have trouble and our battle for mental health has reached an all-time high help us to keep our eyes fixed on you Lord untangler thought lies and Raynor emotions in to be obedient to the gifts of the Spirit you've placed in us love joy peace patience self-control
 help us to live these out kicking distraction and division out of our minds and hearts bless us with Clarity confidence and comfort in Jesus name amen
 your daily prayer is a production of Life audio and Salem media if you liked what you heard today please take a second to rate and review this podcast in your favorite podcast. So that more listeners like you can find the show
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