Verse of the Day
Grow Closer to God and Deepen Your Faith Each Day
A man that hath friends must shew himself friendly: and there is a friend that sticketh closer than a brother.
- Proverbs 18:24(KJV)
Thoughts on Today's Verse...
There is a friend who sticks closer than a brother and his name is Jesus Christ. Jesus loved you way before you were born and he will continue to love you when you leave this earth. His love is not seasonal and it is not conditional. He loved you way before you knew of him or even chose to receive him into your love. He values you so much he counted it worthy to die on the cross for your sins. There is no one on the face of this earth who will ever be able to match the love that Jesus has for you. When friends come and go, you can be assured that there is someone you can rely on without fail. He will never leave you and he will never turn his back on you. He is for you and He desires for you to walk in the freedom that he has given you. There are also people on earth that God uses to be close to us in the good and the bad times. These friends are not many but when they come into your life, they have no intention of leaving. These are the friends you can call on at any time and they will gladly help you. These are the friends that you can trust, no matter what. They are gifts. You should also desire to be the kind of friend who people can rely on. Good friends may be hard to find but you should strive to be someone a person can consider a friend who sticks closer than a brother. The love of God should compel you to be someone who can be trusted and someone who can encourage, exhort, and comfort others when they are in need of it.
My Prayer...
Precious God, I thank you for my friends (include the names of friends). Please, dear Father, lead me into the life of someone this week who needs me to be his or her friend. Bless all those who read Today's Verse with a Christian friend that will help them in their walk with you. Thank you so much, dear Father, for my greatest friend, Jesus, in whose name I pray. Amen.
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