A Prayer for Scripture to Comfort Us(Psalm119:54)
Life audio
 thank you for listening to your daily prayer a podcast dedicated to helping you find the words you need to connect with your father in Heaven no matter what's going on in your life today you can trust that God wants to hear from you
 right after the short word from our sponsor will pray through today's prayer together
 a prayer for scripture to comfort Us by Betsy d'cruz read by Liam Martin
 you are statutes have been my songs in the house of my sojourning Psalm 119 54
 nothing prepared me for the loss and grief I faced when our family returned to America after 16 years on the mission field
 supposedly we had come back home but we had to leave 16 years of friends in a Ministry and Community to do it I'd lost the life I knew and I was standing on Shaky Ground
 maybe your world has suddenly altered due to a move a new job loss or illness
 you may feel offended and unsteady
 Life Changes constantly yet God Remains the Same his word is our constant companion as long as we remain on this Earth God's word can speak strength and hope into any situation we Face even in times of trial is working awaken songs of gratitude and Trust in our hearts
 however sometimes the very trials that should drive us closer to our Heavenly Father interrupt our daily habits of Bible reading and prayer
 what transitions are challenges are you facing right now how about renewing your commitment to reading the scriptures
 if you're going through difficulty search the scriptures for words that I speak encouragement to your situation look for promises you can pray over and affirmations of God's love for you
 Psalm 119 reminds us of the Comfort guidance and hope we find in Scripture
 the Bible provides Comfort when we're hurting
 consider Psalm 119:50 this is my comfort in my Affliction that your promise gives me life
 God's promises soothe Our Hearts by reminding us of his faithfulness scripture provides guidance when we feel confused about our next steps
 meditate on Psalm 119 105 next time you need direction your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path
 ask God to guide you as you open his word each day
 the pages of our Bibles speak hope when we're discouraged
 Ponder Psalm 119:114 you are my Hiding Place and my shield I hope in your word
 spend a few Quiet Moments reading scripture today and see if you don't feel more hopeful
 let's resolve not to let any trial separate us from God's word will find the Comfort guidance and hope we need when we open the pages of scripture
 let's pray
 father I thank you for the great treasure you've given me through the Bible
 renew my love for your word pour your Holy Spirit into my heart and speak to me when I read it
 help me to see you and hear your voice through your word
 forgive me for taking this treasure for granted
 forgive me for my lack of desire and commitment to read and study scripture
 have mercy on me and convicted me by your Holy Spirit when I rather sleep in or watch television and read your word revive my heart and rekindle in me a desire for scripture
 give me a ring nude hunger for you
 Lord when I face trouble in trial teach me to turn to prayer in the scriptures as my first response
 bring the Bible to life when I read it help me find Comfort guidance and hope for each day through reading the holy scriptures and use me to share your word with others
 in Jesus name amen