Keep an Independent Mind (Proverbs 25:19)
hello my friends welcome back it is time for the morning mindset time for you and me to get our minds a line with the truth of God for this day my name is Carrie green welcome I am glad that you're here I want to remind you about our Friday prayer episodes that are coming up this a bonus episode on Fridays where I pray for the needs that you have sent in so if you have a prayer request you would like us to pray about on this coming Friday's episode there is still time to get in your request you can go to carry green.com prayer and find out there how to submit your request would be happy to lift your prayer together to the Lord of Heaven and Earth hit today in Proverbs 25 or looking at three verses that help us understand how we can build a solid life don't Solomon being the one who's writing here is telling us about wisdom he's telling us about how to live our lives according to was
 and so these principles are ones that are very practical in nature looks like a 19 he says trusting in a treacherous man in a time of trouble is like a bad tooth or a foot the slips
 so he's getting some very strong visual is there a bad tooth I mean we all know what that's like it's just this constant ache in your mouth that kind of ruined your whole being in your head hurts your body starts to hurt you just feel miserable using that's the same way you're going to feel if you're trusting it a treacherous person in a time of trouble during a time when you really need someone to be there that treacherous person is not going to be helpful the NFL in fact is going to make the whole situation worse so friends Solomon's it admonition here is for us to be wise about the people we better face it for us to assess character for us to be people who are willing to make judgments about the character of other people so that we can protect ourselves from the bad circumstances that could come about if we're trusting in the wrong person there's 26 says like a muddied spring or polluted fountain
 is a righteous man who gives way before the wicked
 now get we have two very strong visuals here are muddied Springs who was spring that's coming out of the ground should be fresh water should be like a mountain spring just beautiful I didn't clear but when it's money that you're not going to be able to drink from it right because it's dirty he's saying the same way of polluted Fountain the fountain in city that should be clear water was polluted he said those images are just like a righteous man or righteous woman who gives way before the wicked what does that mean to give way before the Wicked Will it means you're not standing firm in your righteousness you letting is there bad example affect you and draw you too bad behavior or your being persuaded by them that their way is best when in fact in your heart of hearts you know it's not that muddies our lives that money's our perspective and it makes us ineffective as followers of Jesus Christ verse number 28
 and without self-control is like a city broken into and left without walls that ain't the visual on this one is just so powerful
 friends of Hugh and I are lacking self-control which the book of Galatians tells us is a fruit of the spirit of Jesus
 and we're locking that self-control it's like we are a city that has been devastated by an attack and our walls have been torn down you see self control functions like protective walls self control keeps us out of circumstances that will be harmful to us or detrimental to those around us self-control is a protection in other words that enables us to withstand the pressures in the difficulties of life so friends as we look at these words of wisdom and caution this home and give to someone to ask you how solid is your life in these areas
 do you have people in your life that you're putting your trust in who you should not be or are you having trouble Discerning if the people around you are trustworthy
 spend some time praying that through are you getting way to the unrighteous either through giving into temptation or letting them persuade you that their way is the best way with in your heart you know what's not
 are you doing with your self-control are you allowing the Holy Spirit to be the self-control that brings protection and it brings provision to you in your life
 Lord Jesus we ask you to help us answer these questions honestly and with Integrity that we will be people who bring glory to you in the way we live in this life I was to build solid life supposed to be people who walk according to your wisdom at Solomon lays it out for us here to apply these simple principles in ways that bring benefit not only to us but to those around us Lord Jesus Shine through us live your life through us that the world can see you and amaze us with the way that you do it so that we can give you greater glory on this Earth we ask it in your precious and Powerful name amen