Words with fools (Proverbs 23:6-8)
hello my friends welcome back to the morning mindset I hope you're ready to get your mind on the line with the truth of God my name is Carrie. I am a retired Pastor is now teaching the Bible online and thousands tens of thousands of people are listening to these daily morning my chats and I am just humbled I'm so thankful you're here I'm grateful God is doing what he has promised to do with his word that will go out and accomplish the purpose for which he is scented and it will not return to him void friends you are part of that thank you so much for passing on the morning my 10:00 I received comments from people hearing there who tell me they share the morning mindset with people all the time I'm thankful for that please if you know someone who could benefit from these morning lights at times that we had together please share the obsessed with them did you know there's also a companion Journal that goes along with the morning I said that you can use to take notes to draw sketches to do all kinds of things to help yourself.
 Just the truth that we go through each day I would love for you to have one please check out the link in the description for this episode that can guide you to your own companion Journal
 all right today we're looking at Proverbs Chapter 20 30 me going to look at one verse or summer night it says do not speak in the hearing of a fool or he will despise the wisdom of your words that's a very simple verse on the surface but I think there's a handful of things that we need to pay close attention to first off the fact that Solomon is using the word fool and he's giving you instruction in light of another person being a fool
 implies that we are to be making assessments about the people around us and that's kind of hard to hear in a culture where were told don't judge or except everyone's perspective as equally valid friends might I say to you very plainly that is not a Biblical approach to life and that is not a Christian approach to life Christianity does not mean we are just Passive A Wimpy non opinionated people Christianity means we take the truth of God's word and we discerningly with wisdom let the holy spirit guide us into understanding it and that we use that as our lens by which we view the world around us and then includes the people we interact with
 so we read the Proverbs for example and we see the characteristics of someone who saw him and calls a fool we are two then take those characteristics and look around us and say first is my own life one that looks like this description of a fool
 secondly are the people around me who I was unaware before are acting the fool and who I should therefore be cautious around you she saw him and gives us instruction here assuming we made that assessment of who around us are foolish in or not and sang don't speak in the hearing of a fool or he will despise the wisdom of your words so another words you're better off saving your breath then to get into a debate with a fool or to try to convince a fool or something he's going to despise the wisdom of your words and friends we see this on social media all the time the most common sense Godly right perspectives are chided and are mocked and are cast down with all kinds of aspersion on them and why is that happened was because people in the other end of that conversation are fools
 first we've got to learn as Believers in Jesus Christ and not waste our time and our energy getting engaged in the debates of our culture with people who are not willing to truly listen and learn and grow in the truth and in the knowledge of God
 we instead should be reserving our work should be silent in situations like that and take Solomon's advised not to speak in the hearing of a fool
 friends this also assumes that we are growing in wisdom that when we do speak we do have wise things to say and that that wisdom is guiding our words there are just all kinds of simple but powerful lessons for us here if we will take the time to apply them so I want you to look at your own life and first off ask yourself do I have the wisdom have I gleaned the understanding from scripture that would enable me to recognize a fool when one crosses my path and then secondly do I need to refrain from speaking sometimes because I know from what evidence in the situation that the person on the other end is going to despise what I have to say
 may God guide us in wisdom as we interact with people around us any loss to be preserved from having critical spirits that are just down and and and sober about everyone but rather large are wise and Discerning and with Grace can recognize a fool from a wise person and know when to engage and when not to engage in these debates and conversations that go on day after day has to represent you well it make you is that King of Kings look great through the way we interact with other school ish or we ask it in Jesus name