Hope for the Hopeless
Life audio
 welcome to the crosswalk devotional we're glad to have you listening today's topic offers true hope for the Hopeless will return with a devotional after a brief message from one of our sponsors
 hope for the Hopeless by Aaron do you have any brown read by Liam Martin
 the righteous cry out and the Lord hears and rescues them from all their troubles the Lord is near the Brokenhearted he saves those crushed in spirit
 when he was righteous has many adversities but the Lord rescues him from them all he protects all his bones not one of them is broken
 Psalm 34:17 through 20
 I just don't know what to do he told me fighting back tears or five years he worked to find a job in 45 years he had none at least none that was steady lucrative or desired
 the man said that he did everything possible submit job applications contact employers directly and reach out to his personal contacts for help even with multiple degrees Decades of experience and fifty different resumes somehow he remained empty-handed no one and nothing seemed to help not even God according to his estimation
 as his faith Wayne he lamented his situation declaring that if he were younger and a woman he would have turned to prostitution
 but he wasn't either of those things and as far as he could tell all hope was lost
 have you ever noticed it's much easier to encourage someone else than to encourage ourselves
 give me a situation wasn't as detrimental as he feared financially or otherwise but with his perspective he could not see a way out the clarity that I felt listening to his predicament is the same Clarity my friend has when he's encouraging me
 this is the same Clarity we often have been listening to the suffering of others when they are without hope we provide what they lack when we are without hope we rely on others to do the same
 and if we have no one the results can be fatal
 so where do we find this hope for the Hopeless either for ourselves or others
 a friend once told me to consider this while I may be rushing to escape my quandary moving Full Speed Ahead from point A to point the god may have other intentions in my despair he could be working to edify me test me make me more like Christ
 whatever the case he said to remember God was with me and he was too
 hope for all of us is rooted in knowing Truth and One Truth we can always count on is that there is always hope
 whether it's me or anyone bemoaning circumstances we do so because we've lost sight of God we forgotten his goodness and as we lose sight we turn our backs on him talkin thinking and acting in ways that we would not have we maintained our faith then far too often our choices make the situation worse if only we could recall there is always hope
 hopelessness may be where you are today if so maybe God is using your struggle to shape you into a person who's more like Christ you want to go from point A to point B but B & F & P have some valuable lessons no matter the reason and no matter how hopeless we may feel there is always hope
 intersecting faith in life
 when doubt sinking in your bright Skies begin to fade remember these three ways to bring hope to the Hopeless one remember
 my parents used to say I had selective Amnesia when does it being the rules as a kid in reality I would forget their commands for lack of paying attention
 they're selective Amnesia term better describes how I respond to God I know it's true but I choose to forget the Stead
 how often to all of us do this we know what scripture says about God's love for us but we give more Credence to our own situations anyway the way we restore hope for others and for ourselves is by remembering his love his provision is blessings his everything we can accomplish this through accountability reading the Bible or memorizing and reciting verses if we don't recall the good God has done on our behalf fighting off the negative thoughts is going to prove challenging or even impossible however when we compare our situations to God's word suddenly our spiritual elements aren't as bad
 to encourage others
 garden design us to be alone he designed us for Community this truth applied to Adam way back when it applies to you and me today Genesis 2:18
 God's desire for human companionship becomes all the clearer when we Face trials and tribulations
 some situations are just too much for us to stand on our own divorce death illness aging
 no one is completely independent no one can go through life without needing the help of someone else with this in mind our solution to hopelessness is the encouragement that others can offer they can remind you of God's goodness and point out how a negative mindset is leading you astray and three prey
 hopelessness can be a powerful feeling like a rainy Cloud that hovers over you no matter where you go this seemingly unending quality of hopelessness that explain why Paul says to rejoice in Hope be patient in Tribulation and be constant in prayer Romans 12:12
 finding hope requires effort on our part it is for many of us hopelessness comes naturally forgetting truth comes naturally but remembering takes effort and prayer helps us remember
 we would do well to recall Paul's words to pray without ceasing and without holding back we don't pray to inform God he already knows
 rather we pray to conform ourselves to his image
 prayer gives us the guidance and awareness we need to seek God despite what we're going through prayer offers in emotional release a reminder that God isn't just with us but that he will strengthen us enough to overcome whatever comes our way prayer reminds us that there is hope
 how do we know there's always hope we know God we know his promises we know he hears us we know his love
 now don't be confused hopelessness May one day return today or tomorrow year from now whenever that dreary feeling comes back just remember there is hope for the Hopeless there is always hope for the Hopeless
 for further exploration of this topic read Jeremiah 29:11 Matthew 11:28 through 30 Ecclesiastes 4 11 through 13
 in the parable of the Good Samaritan in Luke 10:25 through 37
the crosswalk devotional is a production of Life audio and Salem media if you liked what you heard today please take a second to rate and review this podcast in your favorite podcast app so that more listeners like you can find the show
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