Choose Your Path (Proverbs 28:1, 4, 12, 28)
happy Friday my friends it is time for the morning mine check Kari green here if your new with us for the morning my 10:00 I'm glad you're here this is where we work together using the scriptures to get our minds are aligned with the truth of God for this day we want to walk in a way that pleases him live in a way that brings glory to our Savior Jesus Christ the morning Mike said he's here to help you do that today will be looking in Proverbs chapter 28 at a number of different passages here that will help us to do that before we get there I'm going to remind you if you're a person who likes to read rather than listen or watch you can find lots of resources on my website and carry green.com that should benefit you and encourage you in your spiritual walk especially take a look at the blog and the books section there's a number of things there I believe would help you to grow in your spiritual walk
 alright let's move ahead where in Proverbs chapter 28 we're going to look at four different versus here all four of these have a common theme then I want to challenge you to pay attention and figure out for yourself as I read this I probably chapter 28 verse number one says the wicked flee when no one pursues but the righteous are bold as a lion number for those who forsake the law praise the wicked but those who keep the law strive against them
 first number 12 when the righteous Triumph there is great Glory but when the wicked rise people hide themselves first number 28 when the wicked rise people hide themselves but when they perish the righteous increase
 now that wasn't too difficult for you seems pretty obvious as you hear all those verses back-to-back-to-back that Solomon is focusing in on a contrast between people who choose to live a righteous life and people who choose to live a wicked life now that word Wicked has been kind of Twisted in our day in the sling of the day to me good so some of that that's wicked you know that is not what we're talking about it we're talking about the original meaning of the word where Wicked means evil and so when Solomon is talking about the way that evil people do things he's not saying these are good things in fact he saying they're very bad things and they're the things that are going to bring harm not only to the one doing the number to the people who are around let's look at each verse a little more in-depth first says the wicked flee
 when no one pursues but the righteous are bold as a lion so the contrast here is it people who are busy doing sinful or bad things are going to have a guilty conscience that you're going to have a paranoia about them that causes them to try and cover their tracks or think people are out to get them all the time when it may not even be true but righteous people by contrast are going to have this confidence in this piece about the way they left to be bowled in to be standing firm in the face of difficulty verse for says Those Who forsake the law praise the wicked that those who keep the law strive against them now it's interesting in this case the focus is not necessarily what the wicked are doing but rather how others could be unknowingly supporting what the wicked are doing
 and that is by forsaking the law and we saved the law in the context like this we are not talking about our civil laws Solomon would have been talking about the law of God the Old Testament law the moral spiritual guidelines that God gave the Israelites during their time wandering the Wilderness before they went into the promised land it so he's talking about things like the Ten Commandments and he says Those Who forsake that kind of blah all those kind of guidelines for how to live your life or actually praising the wicked is the wicked forsake the wicked don't want anything to do with God's good moral law
 Ben says those who keep the law strive against Wicked so you want to know how you can oppose evil
 just by living a good life is by living the life God intends for you to let listen to a 12 says when the righteous Triumph there's a great Glory but when the wicked rise people hide themselves so this one doesn't really have much deep spiritual meaning this is just an observation that Solomon makes that when the righteous are in control people are in a good place but when the wicked are in control people hide themselves. Finally a 28 when the wicked rise people hide themselves but when they perish the righteous increase our desire folks to be among those righteous we are the ones who are called by Jesus Christ to benefit not only our own lives but the lives of others all around us through living a righteous life
 we're Jesus and Eagles to choose our path along the lines of your righteousness to forsake wickedness in to live a life that not only provides blessing and protection for us but for those around us cause your righteousness to flourish in this day in our world across the land