Don't expect too much
Life audio
 welcome to your daily prayer we're glad to have you listening with us today's topic is Vision will return with the devotional after a brief message from one of our sponsors
 a prayer to see written and read by Jessica and Roku
 and throwing off his cloak he sprang up and came to Jesus and Jesus said to him what do you want me to do for you and the blind man said to him Rabbi let me recover my site and Jesus said to him go your way your faith has made you well and he immediately he recovered his sight and followed him on the way Mark 10 5252
 what do you want from me is a question I've asked my children my husband and my church when I've been frustrated trying to guess their expectations expectations especially unspoken can create trouble in our lives it leads to assumptions where we guests sometimes wrongly and then disappointment comes in waves but do we know how to answer that when Jesus asks us the question we might stop want someone to carry our burdens or maybe we don't want any burdens at all we might want our children to walk with the Lord but their choice is keep leading them elsewhere then we struggle to have hope we wonder where we went wrong we cast blame on friends and entertainment influence maybe we're tired of living in a spiritual Wilderness and we wonder when we'll make it to that elusive Oasis
 or maybe we're in a difficult middle of caring for aging parents while still raising our kids we bounce back and forth from releasing our kids to Greater Independence while navigating the need for our parents depend on us more and more in the Maelstrom of living life we start to focus on Surviving the chaos so much that we could squelch our desires because there's no room for them we only know that our burdens get heavier and heavier and our eyes grow blind to Hope but sometimes we repress our desires for other reasons we're disappointed with people are God we hope for something but the opposite happens we're too afraid to pray because we assume that it won't make a difference or we believe God for a promise that promise remains unfulfilled and we plod for our lives squeeze tight by the burdens we carry
 we know Jesus heals Bears burdens and Promises Victory and we wonder when it will be our turn we sit on the sidelines of our life letting life happen to us desperate for Jesus to Walk by like he did with the crowds at Jericho I love the story of the blind beggar for two reasons one because when he heard that Jesus was near he called for Jesus repeatedly even though the crowds tried to hush him second because he was ready to answer Jesus's question
 there are times when the chaos of our world shouts at us to stop calling out for Jesus our voice gets lost in the loudness of everything that demands our attention we start to wonder if God even hears us but Faith Propel us onward it's the belief that God sees us and that he wants us to answer the question what do you want me to do for you just as the blind man articulated his desire and was ready to throw off his cloak the thing that has identity was wrapped in so we can be ready to throw off our worries and concerns to stand before Jesus with our answer the blind man wanted to see
 what do you want Jesus to do for you at times we have so many thoughts swirling in our brains that this answering this question leaves us speechless it's in these moments when we can seek God for the answer to what we need Jesus to do in our lives a prayer to see clearly holy God you know my need you know what's crippling me
 you know my burdens that weigh heavy on my heart I come to you today blinded by worries and what ifs and what now's and I stand before you and I asked to see I want to see you move in my circumstances I want to see your piece fled my heart I want to see your Joy Rise inside me despite the heartache I hold in my hand I know you can do a mighty work in my life and I praise you for who you are and I trust you to do open my eyes to see you today in Jesus's name amen
 your daily prayer is a production of Life audio and Salem media if you liked what you heard today please take a second to rate and review this podcast in your favorite podcast. So that more listeners like you can find the show
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