A Prayer to Love Like God
Life audio
 thank you for listening to your daily prayer a podcast dedicated to helping you find the words you need to connect with your father in Heaven no matter what is going on in your life today you can trust that God wants to hear from you right now after this short word from our sponsor we will pray through today's prayer together
 prayer for love by Emma Dancy
 1st John 4 verses 7 through 8 says beloved let us love one another for love is from God whoever loves has been born of God and knows God
 God has called us to love him and to love others and 1st John 4 7 through 8 he's so kindly reminds us that we are to love each other because love is from him and when we love we show that we have been saved by Jesus and know him
 this is way easier said than done when God does not answer our prayers how we would like when people in our communities are challenging and negative or when we just wake up on the wrong side of the bed
 however the Lord has invited us into loving others we have the opportunity of a lifetime to live lives out of the love of Jesus by his holy spirit
 there is a song from 1991 they will know we are Christians by our love written by Peter Schultz it expresses how the world looking on will know that we are believers in Jesus by the way that we love
 in a world full of Divisions hate and Chaos we have the opportunity to share love peace and unity this is not mean that we do not stand by the hard truths found in the Bible that we live lives and share God's ways with others from places of compassion and kindness let's pray
 dear Lord you are loved everyone who loves lives in you help me to walk in love today and each day give me your power to choose to walk obedient to this command when others are challenging to want to love give me the grace and the endurance to love them well anyway as you have loved me thank you for your great love to die on the cross for my sin and raise yourself to life again I am overwhelmed by your great compassion Jesus would you help me to remember that you loved the world and gave up your life so that anyone who believes in you will not perish but have eternal life you did not send your son into the world to condemn it but to save it
 where I desire to condemn others and believe that they are too far gone to love and witness to rearrange my thoughts and reshape my heart
 I want to be the judge help me to allow you to speak the truth through your words and change Hearts by your spirit remind me of the love you have poured out on me to be called the child of you
 God you say in 1st Corinthians 13 verses 4 through 5 that love is patient kind not envious not boastful not proud it does not dishonor others it isn't self-seeking it isn't easily angered it does not keep records of wrongs this is a tall order for a sinner like me help me to rely on your spirit to live out this kind of love in my life Brittany the ability to show Supernatural love in situations that come my way may the ways that I speak and live point to your gospel truth
 Ephesians 4 verses 14 through 15 says then we will no longer be infants tossed back and forth by the waves and blown here and there by every wind of teaching and by the cunning and craftiness of people in their deceitful scheming instead speaking the truth in love we will grow to become and every respect the mature body of him who is the head that is Christ Lord help me not to stay a baby in the faith help me not to waiver because of the opinions around me part of Love is sharing truth you say that telling Truth and Love is a sign of a mature believer in Christ Jesus help me to love others as well give me your strength to not worry about people pleasing but to be truly loving by sharing your word with others in a world that thinks love is acceptance and tolerance show me how to be authentic and genuine
 in love and it's sharing your treats in a kind way
 thank you God for loving me help me to live from a place of love so that others may know that you're the savior of the world who loves them and gave yourself for them as you did for me amen
 your daily prayer is a production of Life audio and Salem media if you liked what you heard today please take a second to rate and review this podcast in your favorite podcast app so that more listeners like you can find the show
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