A Prayer to be Firm in Your Faith(Isaiah7:9)
a prayer to be firm in your faith by Tiffany to read by Liam Martin
 if you are not firm in your faith you will not be firm at all Isaiah 79b
 this world and its politics philosophies and priorities seems to be spinning out of control much like a snowball rolling down a hill is that snowball is rolling down it gathers more snow with each turn growing larger and larger until it's massive and uncontrollable
 is that snow ball is rolling down a game speed becoming dangerous to anyone or anything in its path
 turn on any news channel and you'll see the raw pain and anger in the hearts and lives of so many people are so hurt and they need some real solutions
 everyone has an opinion on how to fix the problems but in their well-meaning words and efforts someone else becomes hurt
 there's never been a better time in your life than right now to stop and take a moment of reflection How firm how solid is your faith in God do you know what you believe
 do you know what's true about God have you growing your faith increase your knowledge of Doctrine and strengthened the Miracle of your testimony
 have you studied the Bible for yourself and learn to love and embrace its truth in your life
 Isaiah 79 says this if you're not firm in faith you will not be firm at all
 there's a battle going on in this world of evil versus good as followers of Jesus we know that he alone is the way the truth and the life John 14:6
 history has also been filled with evil men bent on destruction
 history has been filled with godly people making a difference in the lives of those around them not only through good works but through allowing their firm Faith to guide others to the Lord
 1st John 5:19 asks is your faith firm enough to stand against the title wave of evil in this world
 is your Faith Farm enough to know that regardless of the situation as it says in Hebrews 13:5 God will never leave you or forsake you
 is your faith firm enough to sustain you though is Matthew 7:14 explains no one goes the same path as you
 if you're not firm in your faith then when the troubles in life come your way you'll be like someone trying to balance on a raft going over waterfall he won't make it
 every single situation that comes your way will either build your faith or chip away at it if you want your face to be firm then deliver it effort needs to be made to do so
 just as one is intentional for other goals in your life growing Faith needs to be made a priority now more than ever you're so requires it the struggling child in your home needs to see your face the hurting neighbors looking for it
 and the desperate co-worker is watching you to see if your faith is firm enough so they can grab a hold of the truth you say that you believe to help them as well
 God said in Luke 12:22 this night your soul is required of you
 death will come for each of us one day how ready will you be the time is now today open up the Bible and study it and it you'll find truths that will change your life for today tomorrow and for eternity
 bug spray
 dear Lord I want to know you more I want to be sure of what I believe about you and your word
 help me to apply my thoughts in my time so that I can study your truths so that I can increase my faith help my unbelief Lord
 help me to take what I know about you and consistently live out those truth every day of my life helped me to see my situations as opportunities to see you move in my life help me to be bold in Sharing what I believe with those around me
 in your name I pray