An Unconventional Gratitude
gratitude you are welcome here today I admit I've been standoffish doubting you can make much difference but you help me number my days and see the gifts and notice the small things
 gratitude you are welcome here today
 compassion you are welcome here today
 I confess I used to think you were too soft I wanted you but Shame by myself for needing you
 but you allow me to Breathe Again
 you soften my gaze
 you are welcome here today
 grief you are welcome here today
 I'll admit I don't like the sound of you
 and taking me awhile to know and name your many faces
 but you are my witness my necessary companion my expression of hidden losses that need to be expressed
 grief you are welcome here today
 hope you are welcome here today
 I confess more than once I rolled my eyes and your general direction
 built walls to protect myself against the light
 but you are Relentless in your Pursuit you must know how vital you are for our survival
 so hope you're welcome here today
 mystery you are welcome here today
 tell you the truth I prefer certainty I'm sure you hear that a lot but you are by this growing on me the way you invite me deep hold my curiosity's don't talk much
mystery you are welcome here today
 God you are welcome here today I confess sometimes that line has brought anxiety and difference suspicion or hesitation other times it's brought comfort and equanimity
 but as the god I've come to know
 you embody gratitude
 compassion grief hope and mystery
 God you are welcome here today